
Monday, October 17, 2011


Let me say this will be the only rant I do so if you don't want to read it please skip to the next paragraph. (Or closest facsimile there of) Anyway I'm getting sick of the clicks that seem to be popping up everywhere. For example and this is freakin' net wide BRONIES!!!! I understand you may like them I like Thomas the Tank Engine. But You don't see me shoving it down everyones throat!!! My next example are Trendy spriters on Smackjeeves. Yes they are good at what they do. They could get a job doing just sprite work for game companies but they like "those who play Guitar Hero and think they are playing the Guitar." have a sucky a\nd rude attitude. So bad that if you can't even do half what they do then your automaticly a piece of trash. Ennnt wrong you guys think your the best and as a wise man once said "Those who think they have nothing to learn have learned nothing." Its getting so bad that if you polity ask for help from those you thought were your friends then get ignored and state your feelings about said snubbing you end up in a flame war. What has happened to the good ones? What?

And now for something completely different. Tomorrow or today rather I'll be getting what I need to create my designs and then I'll send my base design of Andros to our concept artists to expand on. I'll possibly be posting some concept art here after I make sure that its ok with our artist. Also I'll post my character from Toon Land here once I get him finished. Please no laughing. Hmm this seems to be over shadowed by the above post. What to do. Oh I know to give everyone a bit of a sneak preview here is some info about a few of the worlds/Dimensions from Nexus.

Nexus is a world with Steam Punk tech that meets more modern tech. The buildings and such resemble something like Wild west towns mixed with Technology. The world has a vast Rail system with many steam engines hauling freight and Passengers daily. The city that is the main focus of the world is called Technes Town where our main character lives.

Clockwork Kingdom
The Clockwork Kingdom is a world that is populated by living breathing toys. The environment is that of a bunch of rooms that to the inhabitants seem huge. Couches are like mountains and doors are like gates to other countries. (Ok to be clear on this think Toy Story but without anyone other than the living toys living there.)

Toon land
A world that is inhabited by beings that look like cartoon characters. Many who live here are anthropomorphic characters that resemble something out of a classic American cartoon. Others have resemblance to Anime characters. There can be other types of cartoon characters such as things that don't make sense and things that are more like flash animated characters. The laws of this world are those of classic cartoons such as a character runs off a cliff he won't fall till he looks down.

A world that looks like something out of a Claymation film. Everything in this world is made out of clay or some variation. This world has a major problem with the Doh-dohman empire a race of Claytonia that is made out of a clay that hardens as they age. The rest are composed out of plasticine.

A world with heros inspired by Sentai (Power Rangers). There is a evil force who keep trying to conquer the world. But they are fought by a fighting force.

Those are just a few of my favorite ones.

Anyway till tomorrow I say in the words of my friend GBA "Tatty bye."

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